Wreaths, decorations and easter eggs

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Wreaths, decorations and easter eggs E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2023, Anglicky, 108 strán
9,70 €
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Kód:  EK47553 ISBN: 999-00-039-0797-4
Wreaths, decorations and easter eggs 9,70 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Wreaths, decorations and easter eggs

Would you like to know how to turn everyday items into unique creations?

How to use readily available material in captivating and imaginative ways?

Awaken your creativity and explore the endless possibilities right at your fingertips!


Discover a lot of new ideas to create stylish wreaths, charming decorations and unique decorative eggs in the new book, following the bestseller Original Wreaths and Natural Decorations. Within its pages, you’ll find 40 projects that ingeniously combine natural elements with recycled material. These projects not only introduce you to exciting techniques but also provide a soothing creative outlet. With clear, beginner-friendly instructions and ample photographs, anyone can embark on these creative journeys. Here‘s a sneak peek of what awaits you: Button Heart for Good Luck, Autumn Cake, Lace Eggs or the Moss Boots. If you’ve ever experienced the exhilarating sensation of crafting something with your own hands, you know that no store-bought item can ever hold a candle to your handcrafted creation. It’s an excellent way to begin, and it becomes even more gratifying when you utilize materials readily available around you or items typically destined for the discard pile. The results often appear almost miraculous, and, what‘s more, the cost is minimal, only your time. Unlock the boundless realm of creativity within these pages, where your imagination knows no bounds.

Wreaths, decorations and decorative eggs reimagined. Ideas that invite your creative modifications. Abundant tips and tricks to guide you. Materials, tools, methods.

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