The Argonauts of the Air

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The Argonauts of the Air E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: H. G. Wells
2022, Anglicky, 158 strán
9,49 €
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Kód:  EK46511 ISBN: 999-00-038-4268-8
The Argonauts of the Air 9,49 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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The Argonauts of the Air

Written just eight years before the Wright brothers made their first powered flight, ‘The Argonauts of the Air’ follows the fortunes of eccentric millionaire, Monson. Monson is determined to build the world’s first flying machine. However, with his fortune dwindling and time against him, will he be successful in his mission?

Another example of Wells’ extraordinary prescience, ‘The Argonauts of the Air’ is a thought-provoking and taut read, and possibly the only book to put London’s Worcester Park on the literary map.

H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. Additionally, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.

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