The Seer of Midgard

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The Seer of Midgard E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2023, Anglicky, 194 strán - 1 Kniha zo série The Seer of Midgard Series
10,90 €
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Kód:  EK46584 ISBN: 999-00-038-3543-7
The Seer of Midgard 10,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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The Seer of Midgard

Snehild is born amidst a raid on a stormy, winter night. She is delivered by a mystical jötunn woman and as she slips into the world, the Norns breathe a prophecy over her. Years later, Himlinge, the royal seat of Sialand, is suffering from political unrest. King Tormod suspects his brother-in-law is plotting against him. Royal advisor Brynjulf Raveneye worries about which of the twin princes should be heir to the throne. The high priestess Ragnfrid grows jealous of the local herbalist who is favoured by the royal family. Worst still, the herbalist's daughter, Snehild, appears to have powerful prophetic powers that may threaten the priestess' position. But at least there's something she can do about that.Except you can't destroy a heroine destined for greatness and Snehild has the favour of the gods and the blessing of the Norns. She flees her home and embarks on a quest to discover herself, her parentage and the true extent of her powers. "The Seer of Midgard" is a riveting high fantasy that will transport readers to an Iron-Age Scandinavia steeped in the rich and mystical traditions of Norse mythology. Filled with court intrigue, blood revenge and powerful magic, fans of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "The Priory of the Orange Tree" will love this new series. -

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