Domino Effect

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Domino Effect E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2023, Anglicky, 300 strán
12,90 €
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Kód:  EK47907 ISBN: 999-00-039-2350-9
Domino Effect 12,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Domino Effect

Sweden is shaken by unexplained power outages, sabotage and data failures. Is it really just a coincidence or are there more serious causes?

Jackie Philipsson is hiding from the world in a rented apartment in Visby, Sweden. Her latest assignment has left her with wounds that may never heal. At the same time, startling information about her family background has made her doubt whether she will ever be able to return to her old life.

However, when her boss and mentor Anton asks her to lead Operation White Snow, she has no choice. Her skills and expertise are needed more than ever.


What no one knows is that Russian intelligence has already put a plan into action. A plan where Gotland is a pawn in the game for control of the entire Baltic Sea region. If that pawn falls, the others will soon follow. Jackie and her team are in for a thrilling race against the clock, where duplicity and treachery have fatal consequences.

Domino Effect is inspired by real-life events and is based on the author's experiences from a twenty-year career in Swedish intelligence.


"Fast-paced, and all too close to a nasty reality." - Patrik Oksanen, journalist, author and security policy expert

"Disturbingly topical spy thriller." - Jessica Josefsson, journalist TV4

CAROLINA ANGELIS has more than twenty years of experience in the Swedish intelligence service. She now works as a security advisor and lecturer and is often seen and heard as a commentator on issues related to espionage and the security policy situation.

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